Friday, April 12, 2013

Multiple Sclerosis...

Multiple Sclerosis

Muscular Dystrophy

Cerebral Palsy

Courtney Barnum, Carlie Jackson, Gretchen Balkman
Table of Contents

3                      Multiple Sclerosis
3                      Definition
Description:                      Types
4                      Causes
6                      Who
7                      Signs and Symptoms
9                      Diagnosis
11                    Treatments
12                    Role of Therapeutic Recreation
12                    Resources

15                    Muscular Dystrophy
15                    Definition
15                    Types
18                    Causes
18                    Signs and Symptoms
19                    Diagnosis
20                    Specific Needs
Description:                    Treatments
21                    Role of Therapeutic Recreation
21                    Resources

23                    Cerebral Palsy
23                    Definition
24                    Types
30                    Causes
32                    Signs and Symptoms
34                    Diagnosis
37                    Risk Factors
38                    Treatments
40                    TR Implications
42                    Resources


Definition of Multiple Sclerosis
            Multiple sclerosis (or MS) is a chronic, often disabling disease that attacks the central nervous system (CNS), which is made up of the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves.
 As part of the immune attack on the central nervous system, myelin (the fatty substance that surrounds and protects the nerve fibers in the central nervous system) is damaged, as well as the nerve fibers themselves. The damaged myelin forms scar tissue (sclerosis), which gives the disease its name. When any part of the myelin sheath or nerve fiber is damaged or destroyed, nerve impulses traveling to and from the brain and spinal cord are distorted or interrupted, producing the variety of symptoms that can occur.
Symptoms may be mild, such as numbness in the limbs, or severe, such as paralysis or loss of vision. The progress, severity, and specific symptoms of MS are unpredictable and vary from one person to another. Today, new treatments and advances in research are giving new hope to people affected by the disease.
MS is a chronic and unpredictable
MS is not contagious, and is not directly inherited
Many people with MS live a normal life and have normal or near-normal life expectancy.
Majority of people with MS do not become severely disabled.

Types of Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis is typically classified as one of four types: Relapsing Remitting, Secondary Progressive, Primary Progressive, & Progressive Relapsing.
  • Relapsing Remitting: Relapsing-Remitting MS is characterized by unpredictable episodes of symptoms followed by periods remission with no disease activity. Deficits suffered during these episodes or attacks may either resolve or leave suddenly. Approximately 85% of individuals with MS initially experience relapsing remitting MS.

  • Secondary Progressive: Secondary progressive MS (“galloping MS”) describes those with an initial relapsing-remitting MS, who then begin to have progressive neurological decline between acute attacks without any definite periods of remission. The median time between disease onset and conversion from relapsing-remitting to secondary progressive MS is 19 years.

  • Primary Progressive: Primary Progressive MS afflicts approximately 10–15% of individuals with MS. It is characterized by progression of disability from onset with no remissions and improvements.

  • Progressive Relapsing: Progressive Relapsing MS describes those individuals who, from onset, have a steady neurological decline but also suffer clear superimposed attacks. This is the least common of all subtypes of MS. Atypical variants of MS with non-standard behavior have been described and associated with Progressive Relapsing MS.

Causes of Multiple Sclerosis
While the cause of MS is still not known, scientists believe that a combination of several factors may be involved. Studies are ongoing in the areas of immunology (the science of the body’s immune system), epidemiology (that looks at patterns of disease in the population), and genetics in an effort to answer this important question. Understanding what causes MS will be an important step toward finding more effective ways to treat it and—ultimately—cure it, or even prevent it from occurring in the first place.
The major scientific theories about the causes of MS include the following:
  1. Immunologic
It is now generally accepted that MS involves an immune-mediated process—an abnormal response of the body’s immune system that is directed against the myelin (the fatty sheath that surrounds and insulates the nerve fibers) in the central nervous system (CNS—the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves). The exact antigen, or target that the immune cells are sensitized to attack, remains unknown -- which is why MS is considered by most experts to be immune-mediated rather than autoimmune. In recent years, however, researchers have been able to identify which immune cells are mounting the attack, some of the factors that cause them to attack, and some of the sites, or receptors, on the attacking cells that appear to be attracted to the myelin to begin the destructive process.
  1. Environmental
MS is known to occur more frequently in areas that are farther from the equator. Epidemiologists—scientists who study disease patterns—are looking at many factors, including variations in geography, demographics (age, gender, and ethnic background), genetics, infectious causes, and migration patterns, in an effort to understand why. Studies of migration patterns have shown that people born in an area of the world with a high risk of MS who then move to an area with a lower risk before the age of 15, acquire the risk of their new area. Such data suggest that exposure to some environmental agent that occurs before puberty may predispose a person to develop MS later on.
Some scientists think the reason may have something to do with vitamin D, which the human body produces naturally when the skin is exposed to sunlight. People who live closer to the equator are exposed to greater amounts of sunlight year-round. As a result, they tend to have higher levels of naturally-produced vitamin D, which is thought to have a beneficial impact on immune function and may help protect against autoimmune diseases like MS.
Other scientists study MS clusters—which are defined as higher-than-expected numbers of cases of MS that have occurred over a specific time period and/or in a certain area. These clusters are of interest because they may provide clues to environmental (such as environmental and industrial toxins, diet, or trace metal exposures) factors that might cause or trigger the disease. So far, cluster studies have not produced clear evidence for the existence of any triggering factor or factors in MS.
  1. Infectious
Since initial exposure to numerous viruses, bacteria and other microbes occurs during childhood, and since viruses are well recognized as causes of demyelination and inflammation, it is possible that a virus or other infectious agent is the triggering factor in MS. More than a dozen viruses and bacteria, including measles, canine distemper, human herpes virus-6, Epstein-Barr, and Chlamydia pneumonia have been or are being investigated to determine if they are involved in the development of MS, but none have been definitively proven to trigger
  1. Genetic
While MS is not hereditary in a strict sense, having a first-degree relative such as a parent or sibling with MS increases an individual's risk of developing the disease several-fold above the risk for the general population. Studies have shown that there is a higher prevalence of certain genes in populations with higher rates of MS. Common genetic factors have also been found in some families where there is more than one person with MS. Some researchers theorize that MS develops because a person is born with a genetic predisposition to react to some environmental agent that, upon exposure, triggers an autoimmune response.

Who Gets Multiple Sclerosis?
Description:            MS is thought to affect more than 2.1 million people worldwide. While the disease is not contagious or directly inherited, epidemiologists—the scientists who study patterns of disease—have identified factors in the distribution of MS around the world that may eventually help determine what causes the disease. These factors include gender, genetics, age, geography, and ethnic background.
Patterns in the Distribution of MS
MS is significantly more common (at least 2-3 times) in women than men.
MS is not directly inherited, but genetics play an important role in who gets the disease. While the risk of developing MS in the general population is 1/750, the risk rises to 1/40 in anyone who has a close relative (parent, sibling, child) with the disease.
 In families in which several people have been diagnosed with MS, the risk may be even higher. Even though identical twins share the same genetic makeup, the risk for an identical twin is only 1/4—which means that some factor(s) other than genetics are involved.

While most people are diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 50, MS can appear in young children and teens as well as much older adults.

In all parts of the world, MS is more common at northern latitudes that are farther from the equator and less common in areas closer to the equator.
MS occurs in most ethnic groups, including African-Americans, Asians and Hispanics/Latinos, but is more common in Caucasians of northern European ancestry. However some ethnic groups, such as the Inuit, Aborigines and Maoris, have few if any documented cases of MS regardless of where they live. These variations that occur even within geographic areas with the same climate suggest that geography, ethnicity, and other factors interact in some complex way.

Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis
MS is associated with a large variety of symptoms. Few people experience all of the possible changes that can occur. These symptoms can come and go and are not the same in every person. Symptoms vary, because the location and severity of each attack can be different. Episodes can last for days, weeks, or months. These episodes alternate with periods of reduced or no symptoms (remissions).
Fever, hot baths, sun exposure, and stress can trigger or worsen attacks.
It is common for the disease to return (relapse). However, the disease may continue to get worse without periods of remission.
Because nerves in any part of the brain or spinal cord may be damaged, patients with multiple sclerosis can have symptoms in many parts of the body.
Common Symptoms:
  • Bladder problems appear in 80% of MS patients. The most common problems are an increase of frequency and incontinence. Some with Multiple Sclerosis have inability to begin urination, leaking, retention, and sensation of full bladder. Urinary tract infections are common with MS.
  • Cognitive impairments occur in about 40 to 60 percent of patients with multiple sclerosis. Some of the most common deficits are in recent memory, attention, processing speed, emotional instability, visual-spatial abilities, and executive function. Symptoms range from mild to severe. Dementia is uncommon with Multiple Sclerosis.
  • Emotional symptoms are common with Multiple Sclerosis. Clinical depression is the most common emotional condition associated with MS. Depression rates of those with MS is higher than the general population as well as other persons/groups who are diagnosed with chronic illnesses. Suicide accounts for approximately of 15% of deaths of person diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.
  • Fatigue is a common and often disabling symptom of MS. When evaluating fatigue associated with MS, depression should also be evaluated and treated as it’s symptoms may cause fatigue.
  • Restrictions in mobility are common in individuals suffering from multiple sclerosis. Most persons diagnosed with MS will have difficulty walking or in mobility and require use of an aid or wheelchair at some point. One third of persons diagnosed will require use of such devices within 5 years of diagnosis.
  • Vision Problems are very common in MS. Up to 50% of patients with MS will develop an episode of optic neuritis. Individuals experience rapid onset of pain in one eye, followed by blurry vision. The blurred vision usually goes away but the person may have decrease color vision or decreased ability to focus. Many persons with MS also experience episodes of double vision and involuntary eye movement which make focusing difficult.
  • Chronic Pain is a common symptom in MS. It usually appears after a lesion to the ascending or descending tracts that control the transmission of painful stimulus. Acute temporary pain is common as well as the result of the disease process. Narcotic pain control methods are typically effective for treating pain associated with MS.
  • Lhermitte’s sign is an electrical sensation that runs down the back and into the limbs. The sign suggests a lesion of the dorsal columns of the cervical cord. Between 25 and 40% of MS patients report having Lhermitte’s sign during the course of the disease process.
  • Dysesthesias are abnormal sensations produced by ordinary activities. The abnormal sensations are often described as painful feelings such as burning, itching, electricity, or pins and needle. These are caused by lesions of the sensory pathways.
  • Sexual dysfunction often affects those with MS. The prevalence of Sexual dysfunction in men with MS is around 85%. Erectile dysfunction is the most documented sexual symptom in MS.
  • Spasticity is common in MS. Spasticity is characterized by increased stiffness in limb movement, development of certain postures, weakness of voluntary muscle power, and involuntary spasms.
  • Transverse myelitis is a rapid onset of numbness, weakness, and loss of muscle function in the lower half of the body. This is the result of MS attacking the spinal cord. The symptoms and signs depend upon the level of the spinal cord involved and the extent of the involvement. Prognosis for complete recovery is generally poor. Roughly 80% of individuals with transverse myelitis have permanent symptoms from transverse myelitis.
  • Tremors are frequent and common with MS. Tremors can be serve and disabling. Commonly individuals with MS will experience tremors in the hands, arms, and legs.

Less Common Symptoms Include:
  • Speech Disorders
  • Swallowing Problems
  • Headache
  • Hearing Loss
  • Seizures
  • Respiration / Breathing Problems
  • Itching

Diagnosing Multiple Sclerosis
At this time, there are no symptoms, physical findings or laboratory tests that can, by themselves, determine if a person has MS. The doctor uses several strategies to determine if a person meets the long-established criteria for a diagnosis of MS and to rule out other possible causes of whatever symptoms the person is experiencing. These strategies include a careful medical history, a neurologic exam and various tests, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), evoked potentials (EP) and spinal fluid analysis.
The Criteria for a Diagnosis of MS
In order to make a diagnosis of MS, the physician must:
  • Find evidence of damage in at least two separate areas of the central nervous system (CNS), which includes the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves AND
  • Find evidence that the damage occurred at least one month apart AND
  • Rule out all other possible diagnoses
Tools for making the diagnosis:
    1. Medical History and Neurologic Exam
The physician takes a careful history to identify any past or present symptoms that might be caused by MS and to gather information about birthplace, family history and places traveled that might provide further clues. The physician also performs a variety of tests to evaluate mental, emotional and language functions, movement and coordination, balance, vision, and the other four senses.
In many instances, the person’s medical history and neurologic exam provide enough evidence to meet the diagnostic criteria. Other tests are used to confirm the diagnosis or provide additional evidence if it’s necessary.  

    1. MRI
MRI is the best imaging technology for detecting the presence of MS plaques or scarring (also called lesions) in different parts of the CNS. It can also differentiate old lesions from those that are new or active.
The diagnosis of MS cannot be made solely on the basis of MRI because there are other diseases that cause lesions in the CNS that look like those caused by MS. And even people without any disease — particularly the elderly — can have spots on the brain that are similar to those seen in MS.
Although MRI is a very useful diagnostic tool, a normal MRI of the brain does not rule out the possibility of MS. About 5% of people who are confirmed to have MS do not initially have brain lesions on MRI. However, the longer a person goes without brain or spinal cord lesions on MRI, the more important it becomes to look for other possible diagnoses.

     3. Evoked Potential Tests
Evoked potential (EP) tests are recordings of the nervous system's electrical response to the stimulation of specific sensory pathways (e.g., visual, auditory, general sensory). Because damage to myelin (demyelination) results in a slowing of response time, EPs can sometimes provide evidence of scarring along nerve pathways that does not show up during the neurologic exam. Visual evoked potentials are considered the most useful for confirming the MS diagnosis.

4. Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis
Analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid, which is sampled by a spinal tap, detects the levels of certain immune system proteins and the presence of oligoclonal bands. These bands, which indicate an immune response within the CNS, are found in the spinal fluid of about 90-95% of people with MS. But because they are present in other diseases as well, oligoclonal bands cannot be relied on as positive proof of MS.

            5. Blood Tests
While there is no definitive blood test for MS, blood tests can rule out other conditions that cause symptoms similar to those of MS, including Lyme disease, a group of diseases known as collagen-vascular diseases, certain rare hereditary disorders, and AIDS.

Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis
Although there is still no cure for MS, effective strategies are available to modify the disease course, treat exacerbations (also called attacks, relapses, or flare-ups), manage symptoms, improve function and safety, and provide emotional support. In combination, these treatments enhance the quality of life for people living with MS.

Modifying the Disease Course. The following agents can reduce disease activity and disease progression for many individuals with relapsing forms of MS, including those with secondary progressive disease who continue to have relapses. Aubagio (teriflunomide), Avonex (interferon beta-1a), Betaseron (interferon beta-1b), Copaxone (glatiramer acetate), Extavia (interferon beta-1b), Gilenya (fingolimod),  Novantrone (mitoxantrone), Rebif (interferon beta-1a), Tysabri (natalizumab)

Managing Symptoms. Symptoms of MS are highly variable from person to person and from time to time in the same individual. While symptoms can range from mild to severe, most can be successfully managed with strategies that include medication, self-care techniques, rehabilitation (with a physical or occupation therapist, speech/language pathologist, cognitive remediation specialist, among others), and the use of assistive devices.
Promoting Function through Rehabilitation. Rehabilitation programs focus on function—they are designed to help you improve or maintain your ability to perform effectively and safely at home and at work. Rehabilitation professionals focus on overall fitness and energy management, while addressing problems with accessibility and mobility, speech and swallowing, and memory and other cognitive functions.
Rehabilitation is an important component of comprehensive, quality health care for people with MS, at all stages of the disease. Rehabilitation programs include:
  • Physical Therapy 
  • Occupational Therapy 
  • Therapy for Speech and Swallowing Problems 
  • Cognitive Rehabilitation 
  • Vocational Rehabilitation 

TR Implications
Recreation therapy professionals see very few cases where the MS actually patient improves. This presents challenges: goals written to maintain functional ability, maintain range of motion and socialization; goals modified continually as the disease progresses; objectives dynamic. Healing is paramount. Adaptive equipment, universal design, supports and attitude makes life bearable.
Treatments focused upon symptom reduction and management. The goal is to maximize the individuals independent functioning and to maintain as much of his or her pre-illness lifestyle as possible.
Outcomes:  mastery, self-efficacy, self-discover, self-control, stress management, adjustment to disability, improved body image, sense of self.

Resources and Organizations
There are several organizations that can help you find accurate and useful resources for dealing with MS. Some of these organizations have local chapters, support groups and events to help you connect with other people with MS. Other organizations are more focused on research and medical news.
1. National Multiple Sclerosis Society
The National Multiple Sclerosis Society is the largest and most famous of MS organizations with chapters in every state. The MS Society joins researchers and celebrities to raise the awareness of MS nationwide. Whether you are looking for a support group or trying to understanding the latest research, the MS Society can help.
2. MedlinePlus: MS Webpage
MedlinePlus is a service of the National Library of Medicine that helps the average person to understand many health conditions. MedlinePlus contains links to federal and other organizations with information on the medical aspects of a wide range of diseases and conditions. This is a good website to check for links on the latest NIH research and patient information pages.
3. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NIH-NINDS)
The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) is the NIH Institute that leads research on MS. NINDS occasionally publishes information pages for non-medical professionals that will give an overview of MS. You can also find lists of current research on MS, clinical trials and recent scientific publications.
4. Multiple Sclerosis International Federation (MSIF)
For a global perspective on MS research, news and treatment, visit the Multiple Sclerosis International Foundation's website. You will find an overview of MS, a bibliography of MS research, news about international MS events, and information about MS in other countries. The MSIF's Atlas of MS has a series of interactive maps that provide data about MS rates throughout the world.
5. National Multiple Sclerosis Foundation (MSF)
Founded in 1986, this Florida-based organization seeks to "ensure the best quality of life for those coping with MS by providing comprehensive support and educational programs." The MSF conducts fundraising for a number of service and educational projects for people with MS.
6. Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (MSAA)
Founded in 1970, the MSAA is a national organization that provides programs and services for people affected by MS. The MSAA has regional offices and can help connect you with MS resources in your area. The organization conducts fundraising, educational and support events regularly.
7. Rocky Mountain MS Center
The for-fee informational website has one the most comprehensive information on Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) and MS. For a 20 dollar fee, a person can have access to discussion boards, information pages and more. The Rocky Mountain MS Center is a non-profit center focused on providing information about CAM and MS. As always, check with your doctor before using any CAM therapy.
8. Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers (CMSC)
This organization is committed "To be the preeminent professional organization for Multiple Sclerosis healthcare providers and researchers in North America, and a valued partner in the global MS community. Our core purpose is to maximize the ability of MS healthcare providers to impact care of people who are affected by MS, thus improving their quality of life." The CMSC website is a great place to learn about some of the latest developments in MS research and treatment.


Muscular Dystrophy (MD)

Definition of Muscular Dystrophy

            Muscular Dystrophy is a group of more than 30 progressively degenerative genetic diseases in which muscle fibers are unusually susceptible to damage. The damaged muscles become progressively weaker. Some forms of MD occur in young boys as a young age and some don't show symptoms until adulthood. Some over all symptoms include weak muscles, trouble breathing, trouble swallowing, limbs drawn inward, contracture (limbs fixed inward) and often heart or other organ problems.

Types of Muscular Dystrophy

Childhood Types

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

About half of all muscular dystrophy cases are the Duchenne variety, and occurs most commonly in young boys. It is the most severe type of MD, taking lives before the boys reach 30. Duchenne MD is the most common childhood form of MD and also the most common form of MD overall (approximately 50 percent of MD cases). These symptoms first surface when the child begins to walk and may include:

·      Frequent falls
  • Difficulty getting up from a lying position
  • Trouble running and jumping
  • Waddling gait (weak pelvis)
  • Large calf muscles (from fat deposits and build up)
  • Learning disabilities

Duchenne MD is inherited through the X-Chromosome and 2/3 of cases are run in families while the rest reflect new mutation.

Becker Muscular Dystrophy
            Becker MD is less severe than but closely related to Duchenne MD. Persons with Becker MD have partial but insufficient function of the protein dystrophin. The disorder usually appears around age 11 but may occur as late as the age of 25. Many patients are able to walk past their teens and some affected may never need a wheelchair. Early symptoms of Becker MD include walking on one's toes, frequent falls, and difficulty rising from the floor. Calf muscles may appear large and muscle activity may cause cramps in some people. Cardiac and mental impairments are not as severe as in Duchenne MD.

Congenital Muscular Dystrophy
            This form of MD refers to a group of autosomal recessive muscular dystrophies that are either present at birth or become evident before age 2. They affect both boys and girls. The degree and progression of muscle weakness and degeneration vary with the type of disorder. Weakness may be first noted when children fail to meet landmarks in motor function and muscle control. Muscle degeneration may be mild or severe and is restricted primarily to skeletal muscle. The majority of patients are unable to sit or stand without support, and some affected children may never learn to walk.

Emery-Dreifuss Muscular Dystrophy
            Emery-Dreifuss primarily affects boys. The disorder has two forms: one is x-linked recessive and the other is autosomal dominant.
            Onset  of Emery-Dreifuss MD is usually apparent by age 10, but symptoms may not appear until as late as the mid-twenties. The disease causes slow but progressive wasting of the upper arm and lower leg muscles and symmetric weakness. Contractures in the spine, ankles, knees, elbows, and back of the neck usually precede significant muscle weakness, which is less severe than in Duchenne MD. Contractures may cause elbows to become locked in a flexed position. Other symptoms include shoulder deterioration, toe-walking, and mild facial weakness. Nearly all Emery-Dreifuss MD patients have some form of heart problem by age 30.

Youth/Adolescent Types
Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy (FSHD)
            FSHD initially affects muscles in the face, shoulders, and upper arms with progressive weakness. Also know as Landouzy-Dejerine disease, the third most common form of MD. Most individuals have a normal life span, but some individuals become severely disabled. Disease progression is typically very slow, with intermittent spurts of rapid muscle deterioration. Onset is usually in the teenage years but may occur as late as 40. Muscles around the eyes and mouth are often affected first, followed by weakness around the lower shoulders and chest. A particular pattern of muscles wasting causes the shoulders to appear to be slanted and the shoulder blades winged. Muscles in lower extremities may also become weakened. Changed in facial appearance may include the development of a crooked smile, a pouting look, flattened facial features, or a mask-like appearance. Some individuals cannot pucker their lips or whistle and may have difficulty swallowing, chewing, or speaking.

Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy
            Limb-Girdle MD refers to more than a dozen inherited conditions marked by progressive loss of muscle bulk and symmetrical weakening of voluntary muscles, primarily those is the shoulders and the hips. Weakness is typically noticed first around the hips before spreading to the shoulders, legs, and neck. Patients develop a waddling gait and have difficulty when rising from chairs, climbing stairs, or carrying heavy objects. Patients fall frequently and are unable to run. Contractures at the elbows and knees are rare but patients may develop contractures in the back muscles, which gives them the appearance of a rigid spine. Some patients also experience cardiomyopathy and respiratory complications. Most persons with Limb-Girdle MD become severely disabled within 20 years of disease onset.

Adult Types

Distal Muscular Dystrophy
            Distal MD describes a group of at least six specific muscle diseases that primarily affect distal muscles (those farthest away from the shoulders and hips) in the forearms, hands, lower legs, and feet. Distal dystrophies are typically less severe, progress more slowly, and involve fewer muscles than other forms of MD, although they can spread to other muscles. Distal MD can affect the heart and respiratory muscles, and patients may eventually require the use of a ventilator. Patients may not be able to perform fine hand movement and have difficulty extending the fingers. As leg muscles become affected, walking and climbing stairs become difficult and some patients may be unable to hope or stand on their heels.

Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy
            Myotonic MD may be the most common adult form of MD. Myotonia, or an inability to relax muscles following a sudden contraction, is found only in this form of MD. People with myotonic MD can live a long life, with variable but slowly progressive disability. Typical disease onset is between ages 20 and 30. Myotonic MD affects the central nervous system and other body systems., including the heart, adrenal glands and thyroid, eyes, and gastrointestinal tract. Muscles in the face and the front of the neck are usually first to show weakness and may produce a haggard, “hatchet” face and a thin, swan-like neck. Other symptoms include cardiac complications, difficulty swallowing, droopy eyelids, cataracts, poor vision, early frontal baldness, weight loss, impotence, testicular atrophy, mild mental impairment, and increased sweating. The disease occurs earlier and is more severe in successive generations.

Oculopharyngeal Muscular Dystrophy
            Oculopharyngeal MD generally begins in a person's forties or fifties and affects both men and women. In the United States, the disease is most common in families of French-Canadian descent and among Hispanic residents of northern New Mexico. Patients first report drooping eyelids, followed by weakness in the facial muscles and pharyngeal muscles in the throat. The tongue may atrophy and changes to the voice may occur. Patients may have double vision and problems with upper gaze, and others may have retinitis pigmentosa and cardiac irregularities. Those persons most severely affected will eventually lost the ability to walk.

Causes of Muscular Dystrophy

            All muscular dystrophies are inherited and involve a mutation in one of the thousands of genes that program proteins critical to muscle integrity. Many cases of MD occur from spontaneous mutations that are not fond in the genes of either parent, and this defect can be passed to the next generation. Muscular dystrophies can be inherited in three different ways: autosomal dominant inheritance, autosomal recessive inheritance, or x-linked recessive inheritance.

Symptoms of Muscular Dystrophy

            The symptoms of different classifications of MD vary. Some types, such as Duchenne MD, are ultimately fatal, while other types are associated with normal life expectancy. All of the muscles may be affected or only specific groups of muscles may be affected. Muscular dystrophy can affect males and females as well as children and adults, but the more sever forms tend to occur early in childhood.

            Symptoms Include:
  • Mental Retardation
  • Muscles Weakness that slowly gets worse
  • Drooling
  • Eyelid drooping
  • Delayed development of muscle motor skills
  • Frequent falls
  • Loss of strength in a muscle or group of muscles as an adult
  • Loss in muscle size
  • Problems walking (delayed walking)

            Patient's medical history and a complete family history should be thoroughly reviewed to determine in the muscle disease is secondary to a disease affecting other tissues or organs or is an inherited conditions. It is also important to rule out any muscle weakness resulting from prior surgery, exposure to toxins, current medications that may affect the patient's functional status, and any acquired muscle diseases. Thorough clinical and neurological exams can rule out disorders of the muscle weakness and atrophy, test reflex responses and coordination, and look for contractions. Various laboratory tests may be used to confirm the diagnosis of MD.

Blood and Urine Tests can detect defective genes and help identify specific neuromuscular disorders.
  • The level  of serum aldolase, an enzyme involved in the breakdown of glucose, is measured to confirm a diagnosis of skeletal muscle disease. High levels of the enzyme, which is present in most body tissues, are noted in patients with MD and some forms of myopathy.
  • Creatine kinase is an enzyme that leaks out of damaged muscle. Elevated levels of this enzyme may indicate muscle damage, including some forms of MD.
  • Myoglobin is measures when injury or disease in skeletal muscle is suspected. Myoglobin is an oxygen-binding protein found in cardiac and skeletal muscle cells. High blood levels of myoglobin are found in patients with MD.
  • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) can detect mutations in the dystrophin gene. Also, known as molecular diagnosis or genetic testing, PCD is a method for generating and analyzing multiple copies of a fragment of DNA.

Exercise Tests can detect elevated rates of certain chemicals following exercise and are used to determine the nature of the MD or other muscle disorder. Some exercise tests can be performed at the patient's bedside while others are done at clinics or other sites using sophisticated equipment. These tests also assess muscle strength.

Genetic Testing looks for genes known to either cause or be associated with inherited muscle disease. DNA analysis and enzyme assays can confirm the diagnosis of certain neuromuscular disease, including MD. Genetic linkage studies can identify whether a specific genetic marker on a chromosome and a disease are inherited together. They are particularly useful in studying families with members in different generations who are affected. An exact molecular diagnosis is necessary for some of the treatment strategies that are currently being developed.

Genetic Counseling can help parents who have a family history of MD determine if they are carrying one of the mutated genes that cause the disorder. Two tests can be used to help expectant parents found out if their child is affected such as the amniocentesis and the Chorionic Villus Sampling. 

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)  is used to examine muscle quality, any atrophy or abnormalities in size, and fatty replacement of muscle tissues, as well as to monitor disease progression. MRI scanning equipment creates a strong magnetic field around the body. Radio waves are then passed through the body and then analyzed in either a two or three dimensional picture. Ultrasound may also be used to measure muscle bulk.

Muscle Biopsies are used to monitor the course of disease and treatment effectiveness. A small sample of muscle is removed and studied under a microscope. Muscle biopsy is necessary to make the diagnosis in most of the acquired muscle diseases.

Specific Needs for Muscular Dystrophy

            Equipment needed for someone with MD varies depending on the type and severity of the disease. Some of the more common types of equipment include:
  • Wheelchair
  • Van lifts
  • Shower chairs
  • Specialized driving equipment
  • Ramps for home
  • Specialized clothing

            Insurance companies aren't very helpful in covered the costs of equipment so it is hard for families. Due to this burden, many organizations exist to aid families in obtaining equipment, as well as a support system for a family with a member who has MD.

Treatments of Muscular Dystrophy

            There is currently no cure for any form of MD. Research into gene therapy may eventually provide treatment to stop the progression of some types of MD. Current treatment is designed to help prevent or reduce deformities in the joints and spine to allow people with MD to remain as mobile as possible.
            Assisted ventilation is often needed to treat respiratory muscle weakness that accompanies many forms of MD, especially in the later stages. Oxygen is fed through a flexible mask to help the lungs inflate fully. Since respiratory difficulty may be most extreme at night, some patients need overnight ventilation. This may also be the reason a patient may need a gastric feeding tube.
            Drug therapy would be prescribed to delay muscle degeneration. Corticosteroids can slow the rate of muscle deterioration in Duchenne MD and can keep children walking for several years. The down side to this is that the side effects include weight gain and bone fragility if taken too long. Immunosuppressive drugs can delay damage to dying muscle cells. There are also drugs that may provide relief to muscle spasms and weakness.
            Physical therapy can help prevent deformities, improve movement, and keep muscles as flexible and strong as possible. This mainly consists of stretching, postural correction, walking therapy, and general exercise. Physical therapy is the first form of therapy given after diagnosis, before the muscles and joints tighten up.
            Dietary changes have not been shown to slow the progression of MD. Limited mobility can contribute to obesity and so a healthy diet is key to keeping their general health in line.
            Occupational therapy is important because many patients need to relearn skills in order to work and survive. They are unable to do certain things the same way and an occupational therapist can help them learn new ways as well as how to cope with the change.
            Corrective surgery is often performed to ease complications of MD such as scoliosis, muscle-release surgery, eye-surgery to correct cataracts, and heart surgery.


            Because muscular dystrophy is a degenerative disorder, it is important for the CTRS to remember that their patient will lost most of their muscle strength. Before this happens, it is key to keep the person moving and as actively involved as possible. Inactivity progresses the inevitable disability much quicker.
            Different types of TR activities will help such as encouraging individuals to do as much as they can on their own, deep breathing exercises to maintain lung function, writing or arts and crafts to retain fine motor skills, wheelchair sports, aquatics to help in range of muscle and relaxation, as well as many different MD riding lessons.

Muscular Dystrophy Resources
  • Parent Project MD
  • This is a specific resource for parents of children who have been diagnosed with Duchenne MD. They have information regarding the diagnosis, care, and research that is being done to help in the fight against Duchenne MD. They also have information of advocation and donation to the cause. You can find them at
  • New Horizons Un-Limited Inc.
  • This organization is a general resource for those whose children have MD and given information on national, community, and internet levels. You can find them at
  • Muscular Dystrophy Family Fund
  • This organization came about to help families gain access to special equipment for their family member with MD as well as advocacy and support groups. They are sponsored by many different companies and have helped many families across the nation. You can find them at
  • Muscular Dystrophy Canada
  • This is a Canadian organization to help families living with MD. This is an informational resource about the diagnosis, how to live with it, as well as information on conferences and workshops in Canada. You can find them at
  • Band Back Together
  • This is an important organization that helps those living with MD know that they are not alone. They specialize in helping fight against abuse to those with MD as well as depression of those who have MD. They offer information about the diagnosis and other resources in the area. You can find them at
  • Muscular Dystrophy Association
  • The MDA is a national resource that gives information you can find in each and every state in the United States. You can find resources near you by going to

What is Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a broad term used to describe a group of chronic "palsies" -- disorders that impair control of movement -- due to damage to the developing brain. CP usually develops by age 2 or 3 and is a non-progressive brain disorder, meaning the brain damage does not continue to worsen throughout life. However, the symptoms due to the brain damage often do change over time; sometimes getting better and sometimes getting worse. CP is one of the most common causes of chronic childhood disability.

About 10,000 infants are diagnosed with CP and up to 1,500 preschoolers are recognized as having it each year. The United Cerebral Palsy Association estimates that more than 764,000 Americans have CP.

What Cerebral Palsy is and is not, according to the Cerebral Palsy Organization:

Cerebral palsy is non-life-threatening – With the exception of children born with a severe case, cerebral palsy is considered to be a non-life-threatening condition. Most children with cerebral palsy are expected to live well into adulthood.

Cerebral palsy is incurable – Cerebral palsy is damage to the brain that cannot currently be fixed. Treatment and therapy help manage effects on the body.

Cerebral palsy is non-progressive – The brain lesion is the result of a one-time brain injury and will not produce further degeneration of the brain.

Cerebral palsy is permanent – The injury and damage to the brain is permanent. The brain does not “heal” as other parts of the body might. Because of this, the cerebral palsy itself will not change for better or worse during a person’s lifetime. On the other hand, associative conditions may improve or worsen over time.

Cerebral palsy is not contagious; it is not communicable – In the majority of cases, cerebral palsy is caused by damage to the developing brain. Brain damage is not spread through human contact. However, a person can intentionally or unintentionally increase the likelihood a child will develop cerebral palsy through abuse, accidents, medical malpractice, negligence, or the spread of a bacterial or viral infection.

Cerebral palsy is manageable – The impairment caused by cerebral palsy is manageable. In other words, treatment, therapy, surgery, medications and assistive technology can help maximize independence, reduce barriers, increase inclusion and thus lead to an enhanced quality-of-life.
Cerebral palsy is chronic – The effects of cerebral palsy are long-term, not temporary. An individual diagnosed with cerebral palsy will have the condition for their entire life.

Types, Forms, and Classifications of Cerebral Palsy

Many cerebral palsy classification systems are used today. Over the last 150 years, the definition of cerebral palsy has evolved and changed as new medical discoveries contributed to growing knowledge of the condition. Although a myriad of classifications – used differently and for many purposes – exists today, those involved in cerebral palsy research are working toward a universally accepted classification system.

Because of the diversity of classification systems, parents may want to document different terms doctors use in cerebral palsy diagnosis. In addition, parents should also maintain home health records documenting associated impairments, anatomic and radiation findings, as well as causation and timing.

Severity Level

Cerebral palsy is often classified by severity level as mild, moderate, severe, or no CP. These are broad generalizations that lack a specific set of criteria. Even when doctors agree on the level of severity, the classification provides little specific information, especially when compared to the GMFCS. Still, this method is common and offers a simple method of communicating the scope of impairment, which can be useful when accuracy is not necessary.
  • Mild - Mild cerebral palsy means a child can move without assistance; his or her daily activities are not limited.
  • Moderate - Moderate cerebral palsy means a child will need braces, medications, and adaptive technology to accomplish daily activities.
  • Severe - Severe cerebral palsy means a child will require a wheelchair and will have significant challenges in accomplishing daily activities.
  • No CP - No CP means the child has cerebral palsy signs, but the impairment was acquired after completion of brain development and is therefore classified under the incident that caused the cerebral palsy, such as traumatic brain injury or encephalopathy.

Topographical Distribution

Topographical classification describes body parts affected. The words are a combination of phrases combined for one single meaning. When used with Motor Function classification, it provides a description of how and where a child is affected by cerebral palsy. This is useful in ascertaining treatment protocol.

Two terms are at the heart of this classification method.
  • Paresis means weakened
  • Plegia/Plegic means paralyzed

The prefixes and root words are combined to yield the topographical classifications commonly used in practice today.
  • Monoplegia/monoparesis means only one limb is affected. It is believed this may be a form of hemiplegia/hemiparesis where one limb is significantly impaired.
  • Diplegia/diparesis usually indicates the legs are affected more than the arms; primarily affects the lower body.
  • Hemiplegia/hemiparesis indicates the arm and leg on one side of the body is affected.
  • Paraplegia/paraparesis means the lower half of the body, including both legs, are affected.
  • Triplegia/triparesis indicates three limbs are affected. This could be both arms and a leg, or both legs and an arm. Or, it could refer to one upper and one lower extremity and the face.
  • Double hemiplegia/double hemiparesis indicates all four limbs are involved, but one side of the body is more affected than the other.
  • Tetraplegia/tetraparesis indicates that all four limbs are involved, but three limbs are more affected than the fourth.
  • Quadriplegia/quadriparesis means that all four limbs are involved.
  • Pentaplegia/pentaparesis means all four limbs are involved, with neck and head paralysis often accompanied by eating and breathing complications.

Motor Function

The brain injury that causes cerebral palsy affects motor function, the ability to control the body in a desired matter. Two main groupings include spastic and non-spastic. Each has multiple variations and it is possible to have a mixture of both types.

  • Spastic cerebral palsy is characterized by increased muscle tone.

  • Non-spastic cerebral palsy will exhibit decreased or fluctuating muscle tone.

Motor function classification provides both a description of how a child’s body is affected and the area of the brain injury. Using motor function gives parents, doctors, and therapists a very specific, yet broad, description of a child’s symptoms, which helps doctors choose treatments with the best chance for success.

Muscle Tone
Many motor function terms describe cerebral palsy’s effect on muscle tone and how muscles work together. Proper muscle tone when bending an arm requires the bicep to contract and the triceps to relax. When muscle tone is impaired, muscles do not work together and can even work in opposition to one another.
Two terms used to describe muscle tone are:

  • Hypertonia/Hypertonic — increased muscle tone, often resulting in very stiff limbs. Hypertonia is associated with spastic cerebral palsy

  • Hypotonia/Hypotonic — decreased muscle tone, often resulting in loose, floppy limbs. Hypotonia is associated with non-spastic cerebral palsy

Two Classifications by Motor Function: 
Pyramidal and Extrapyramidal

When referring to location of the brain injury, spastic and non-spastic cerebral palsy is referred to in the medical community as pyramidal (spastic) and extrapyramidal (non-spastic) cerebral palsy.
The pyramidal tract consists of two groups of nerve fibers responsible for voluntary movements. They descend from the cortex into the brain stem. In essence, they are responsible for communicating the brain’s movement intent to the nerves in the spinal cord that will stimulate the event. Pyramidal cerebral palsy would indicate that the pyramidal tract is damaged or not functioning properly.
Extrapyramidal cerebral palsy indicates the injury is outside the tract in areas such as the basal ganglia, thalamus, and cerebellum. Pyramidal and extrapyramidal are key components to movement impairments.

Spastic (Pyramidal) –

Spasticity implies increased muscle tone. Muscles continually contract, making limbs stiff, rigid, and resistant to flexing or relaxing. Reflexes can be exaggerated, while movements tend to be jerky and awkward. Often, the arms and legs are affected. The tongue, mouth, and pharynx can be affected, as well, impairing speech, eating, breathing, and swallowing.

Spastic cerebral palsy is hypertonic and accounts for 70% to 80% of cerebral palsy cases. The injury to the brain occurs in the pyramidal tract and is referred to as upper motor neuron damage.
The stress on the body created by spasticity can result in associated conditions such as hip dislocation, scoliosis, and limb deformities. One particular concern is contracture, the constant contracting of muscles that results in painful joint deformities.

Spastic cerebral palsy is often named in combination with a topographical method that describes which limbs are affected, such as spastic diplegia, spastic hemiparesis, and spastic quadriplegia.


Non-Spastic (Extrapyramidal) 

Non-spastic cerebral palsy is decreased and/or fluctuating muscle tone. Multiple forms of non-spastic cerebral palsy are each characterized by particular impairments; one of the main characteristics of non-spastic cerebral palsy is involuntary movement. Movement can be slow or fast, often repetitive, and sometimes rhythmic. Planned movements can exaggerate the effect – a condition known as intention tremors. Stress can also worsen the involuntary movements, whereas sleeping often eliminates them.

An injury in the brain outside the pyramidal tract causes non-spastic cerebral palsy. Due to the location of the injury, mental impairment and seizures are less likely. Non-spastic cerebral palsy lowers the likelihood of joint and limb deformities. The ability to speak may be impaired as a result of physical, not intellectual, impairment.

Non-spastic cerebral palsy is divided into two groups, ataxic and dyskinetic. Together they make up 20% of cerebral palsy cases. Broken down, dyskinetic makes up 15% of all cerebral palsy cases, and ataxic comprises 5%.

Ataxic/Ataxia -

Ataxic cerebral palsy affects coordinated movements. Balance and posture are involved. Walking gait is often very wide and sometimes irregular. Control of eye movements and depth perception can be impaired. Often, fine motor skills requiring coordination of the eyes and hands, such as writing, are difficult.

Dyskinetic -
Dyskinetic cerebral palsy is separated further into two different groups; athetoid and dystonic.

  • Athetoid cerebral palsy includes cases with involuntary movement, especially in the arms, legs, and hands.
  • Dystonia/Dystonic cerebral palsy encompasses cases that affect the trunk muscles more than the limbs and results in fixed, twisted posture.
Because non-spastic cerebral palsy is predominantly associated with involuntary movements, some may classify cerebral palsy by the specific movement dysfunction, such as:

  • Athetosis — slow, writhing movements that are often repetitive, sinuous, and rhythmic

  • Chorea — irregular movements that are not repetitive or rhythmic, and tend to be more jerky and shaky

  • Choreoathetoid — a combination of chorea and athetosis; movements are irregular, but twisting and curving

  • Dystonia — involuntary movements accompanied by an abnormal, sustained posture

  • Description:

    Ataxia/Ataxic — does not produce involuntary movements, but instead indicates impaired balance and coordination

Mixed -

 A child’s impairments can fall into both categories, spastic and non-spastic, referred to as mixed cerebral palsy. The most common form of mixed cerebral palsy involves some limbs affected by spasticity and others by athetosis.

Gross Motor Function Classification System

Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) uses a five-level system that corresponds to the extent of ability and impairment limitation. A higher number indicates a higher degree of severity. Each level is determined by an age range and a set of activities the child can achieve on his or her own.

The GMFCS is a universal classification system applicable to all forms of cerebral palsy. Using GMFCS helps determine the surgeries, treatments, therapies, and assistive technology likely to result in the best outcome for a child. Additionally, the GMFCS is a powerful system for researchers; it improves data collection and analysis and hence result in better understanding and treatment of cerebral palsy.

The GMFCS addresses the goal set by organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy in Europe (SCPE) which advocate for a universal classification system that focuses on what a child can accomplish, as opposed to the limitations imposed by his or her impairments.

This system is useful to parents and caretakers as a developmental guideline which takes into consideration the child’s motor impairment. It assigns a classification level (GMFCS Level 1 – 5). The parent is then able to understand motor impairment abilities over time, as the child progresses in age.
To best utilize the GMFCS, it is often combined with other classification systems that define the extent, location, and severity of impairment. It is also recommended to document upper extremity function and speech impairments.

How is GMFCS Used?

The GMFCS uses head control, movement transition, walking, and gross motor skills such as running, jumping, and navigating inclined or uneven surfaces to define a child’s accomplishment level. The goal is to present an idea of how self-sufficient a child can be at home, at school, and at outdoor and indoor venues.

When the child fits in multiple levels, the lower of the two classification levels is chosen. The GMFCS classification system recognizes that children with impairments have age-appropriate developmental factors. GMFCS is able to chart by age group (0-2; 2-4; 4-6; 6-12; and 12-18) a developmental guideline appropriate for the assigned GMFCS level. It emphasizes sitting, movement transfers and mobility, charting independence and reliance on adaptive technology.

GMFCS Classification Levels

  • GMFCS Level I- walks without limitations.
  • GMFCS Level II- walks with limitations. Limitations include walking long distances and balancing, but not as able as Level I to run or jump; may require use of mobility devices when first learning to walk, usually prior to age 4; and may rely on wheeled mobility equipment when outside of home for traveling long distances.
  • GMFCS Level III- walks with adaptive equipment assistance. Requires hand-held mobility assistance to walk indoors, while utilizing wheeled mobility outdoors, in the community and at school; can sit on own or with limited external support; and has some independence in standing transfers.
  • GMFCS Level IV- self-mobility with use of powered mobility assistance. Usually supported when sitting; self-mobility is limited; and likely to be transported in manual wheelchair or powered mobility.
  • GMFCS Level V- severe head and trunk control limitations. Requires extensive use of assisted technology and physical assistance; and transported in a manual wheelchair, unless self-mobility can be achieved by learning to operate a powered wheelchair.

What Causes Cerebral Palsy?

Congenital cerebral palsy results from brain injury during a baby's development in the womb. It is present at birth, although it may not be detected for months. It is responsible for about 70% of children who have cerebral palsy. An additional 20% are diagnosed with congenital cerebral palsy due to a brain injury during the birthing process. In most cases, the cause of congenital cerebral palsy is unknown. Some other causes are:

  • Infections during pregnancy that may damage a fetus' developing nervous system. These include rubella (German measles), cytomegalovirus (a herpes-type virus), and toxoplasmosis (an infection caused by a parasite that can be carried in cat feces or inadequately cooked meat). Other infections in pregnant women that may go undetected are being recognized now as an important cause of developmental brain damage of the fetus.  

  • Severe jaundice in the infant. Jaundice is caused by excessive bilirubin in the blood. Normally, bilirubin is filtered out by the liver. But often, newborns' livers need a few days to start doing this effectively, so it's not uncommon for infants to have jaundice for a few days after birth. In most cases, phototherapy (light therapy) clears up jaundice, and there are no lasting health effects. However, in rare cases, severe, untreated jaundice can damage brain cells.  

  • Rh incompatibility between mother and infant. In this blood condition, the mother's body produces antibodies that destroy the fetus's blood cells. This, in turn, leads to a form of jaundice in the newborn and may cause brain damage.  

  • The physical and metabolic trauma of being born. This can precipitate brain damage in a fetus whose health has been threatened during development.  

  • Severe oxygen deprivation to the brain or significant trauma to the head during labor and delivery.

According to the United Cerebral Palsy, about 10% of children with CP acquire the disorder after birth in the U.S. It results from brain damage in the first few months or years of life. CP often follows infections of the brain, such as bacterial meningitis or viral encephalitis, or it may be the result of a head injury.  

Some risk factors that increase the possibility that a child will later be diagnosed with CP include:
·       Breech births (with the feet, knees, or buttocks coming out first).  
·       Vascular or respiratory problems in the infant during birth.  
·       Physical birth defects such as faulty spinal bone formation, groin hernias, or an abnormally small jaw bone.  
·       Receiving a low Apgar score 10 to 20 minutes after delivery. An Apgar test is used to make a basic, immediate determination of a newborn's physical health. For the test, the infant's heart rate, breathing, muscle tone, reflexes, and color are evaluated and given a score from 0 (low) to 2 (normal).  
·       A low birth weight (less than 2,500 grams, or 5 lbs. 7.5 oz.) and premature birth (born less than 37 weeks into pregnancy).  
·       Being a twin or part of a multiple birth.  
·       A congenital nervous system malformation, such as an abnormally small head (microcephaly).  
·       Seizures shortly after birth.
Mothers who had bleeding or severe proteinuria (excess protein in the urine) late in their pregnancy have a higher chance of having a baby with CP, as do mothers who have hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, mental retardation, or seizures.  
Not all children who are exposed to these risk factors develop CP. However, parents and doctors should be aware of these risks and watch an at-risk child's development carefully.

Premature babies — particularly those who weigh less than 3.3 pounds (1,510 grams) — have a higher risk of CP than babies that are carried full-term, as are other low birth weight babies and multiple births, such as twins and triplets.

Brain damage in infancy or early childhood can also lead to CP. A baby or toddler might suffer this damage because of lead poisoning, bacterial meningitis, malnutrition, being shaken as an infant (shaken baby syndrome), or being in a car accident while not properly restrained.


Signs and Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy

Signs of cerebral palsy are different than symptoms of cerebral palsy.

Signs are clinically identifiable effects of brain injury or malformation that cause cerebral palsy. A doctor will discern signs of a health concern during exam and testing.

Symptoms, on the other hand, are effects the child feels or expresses; symptoms are not necessarily visible.

Impairments resulting from cerebral palsy range in severity, usually in correlation with the degree of injury to the brain. Because cerebral palsy is a group of conditions, signs and symptoms vary from one individual to the next.

The primary effect of cerebral palsy is impairment of muscle tone, gross and fine motor functions, balance, control, reflexes, and posture. Oral motor dysfunction, such as swallowing and feeding difficulties, speech impairment, and poor muscle tone in the face, can also indicate cerebral palsy. Associative conditions, such as sensory impairment, seizures, and learning disabilities that are not a result of the same brain injury, occur frequently with cerebral palsy. When present, these associative conditions may contribute to a clinical diagnosis of cerebral palsy.

The most common early sign of cerebral palsy is developmental delay. Delay in reaching key growth milestones, such as rolling over, sitting, crawling and walking are cause for concern. Practitioners will also look for signs such as abnormal muscle tone, unusual posture, persistent infant reflexes, and early development of hand preference.

Many signs and symptoms are not readily visible at birth, except in some severe cases, and may appear within the first three to five years of life as the brain and child develop.

If the delivery was traumatic, or if significant risk factors were encountered during pregnancy or birth, doctors may suspect cerebral palsy immediately and observe the child carefully. In moderate to mild cases of cerebral palsy, parents are often first to notice if the child doesn’t appear to be developing on schedule. If parents do begin to suspect cerebral palsy, they will likely want to consult their physician and ask about testing to begin ruling out or confirming cerebral palsy or other conditions.

Most experts agree; the earlier a cerebral palsy diagnosis can be made, the better. However, some caution against making a diagnosis too early, and warn that other conditions need to be ruled out first. Because cerebral palsy is the result of brain injury, and because the brain continues to develop during the first years of life, early tests may not detect the condition. Later, however, the same test may, in fact, reveal the issue.

If a diagnosis can be made early on, early intervention programs and treatment protocols have shown benefit in management of cerebral palsy. Early diagnosis also helps families qualify for government benefit programs and early intervention.

Eight Clinical Signs of Cerebral Palsy

Since cerebral palsy is most often diagnosed in the first several years of life, when a child is too young to effectively communicate his or her symptoms, signs are the primary method of recognizing the likelihood of cerebral palsy.
Cerebral palsy is a neurological condition which primarily causes orthopedic impairment. Cerebral palsy is caused by a brain injury or brain abnormality that interferes with the brain cells responsible for controlling muscle tone, strength, and coordination. As a child grows, these changes affect skeletal and joint development, which may lead to impairment and possibly deformities. The eight clinical signs of cerebral palsy involve:

In some instances, signs become more apparent when the child experiences developmental delay or fails to meet established developmental milestones.


Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy

Diagnosing cerebral palsy takes time. There is no test that confirms or rules out cerebral palsy.
In severe cases, the child may be diagnosed soon after birth, but for the majority, diagnosis can be made in the first two years.
For those with milder symptoms, a diagnosis may not be rendered until the brain is fully developed at three to five years of age. For example, the average age of diagnosis for a child with spastic diplegia, a very common form of cerebral palsy, is 18 months.

This can be a difficult time for parents who suspect something might be different about their child. Often, parents are first to notice their child has missed one of the age-appropriate developmental milestones.
If a growth factor is delayed, parents may hope their child is just a slow starter who will “catch up.” While this may be the case, parents should inform the child’s doctor of concerns, nonetheless.

Confirming cerebral palsy can involve many steps. The first is monitoring for key indicators such as:

  • When does the child reach development milestones and growth chart standards for height and weight?
  • How do the child’s reflexes react?
  • Does it seem as if the child is able to focus on and hear his or her caregivers?
  • Does posture and movement seem abnormal?

Doctors will test reflexes, muscle tone, posture, coordination and other factors, all of which can develop over months or even years. Primary care physicians may want to consult medical specialists, or order tests such as MRIs, cranial ultrasounds, or CT scans to obtain an image of the brain. Even once a diagnosis of cerebral palsy is made, parents may wish to seek a second opinion to rule out misdiagnosis.


Why Diagnosis is Important?

A diagnosis is important for many reasons:
  • To understand the child’s health status
  • To begin early intervention and treatment
  • To remove doubt and fear of not knowing
  • To find and secure benefits to offset the cost of raising a child with cerebral palsy

The process for diagnosing cerebral palsy usually begins with observations made by the child’s primary care physician, usually a pediatrician, and the child’s parents. There are some exceptions.

If a baby is born prematurely, or at a low birth weight, he or she is monitored closely in the neonatal intensive care unit of the hospital from time of birth. In extreme cases of child abuse, or shaken baby syndrome a pediatric neurologist called to the hospital’s emergency or NICU unit will diagnosis the child’s condition. In the majority of cases the child will attend regular well-baby visits where the pediatrician first uncovers signs of cerebral palsy during examination. In some cases, it is the parents who notice symptoms they relay to the child’s doctor during these visits.

Developmental delay, abnormal growth charts, impaired muscle tone, and abnormal reflexes are early indications of cerebral palsy. Because there is no test that definitely confirms or rules out cerebral palsy, other conditions must be excluded from the list of possible causes, and cerebral palsy must be fully considered. Other disorders and conditions can appear as cerebral palsy, and cerebral palsy is often accompanied by associated conditions that complicate the process of diagnosis.

The medical examination process can involve multiple doctors, tests, and appointments. During this time doctors will rule out other similar conditions such as:

  • Degenerative nervous disorders
  • Genetic diseases
  • Muscle diseases
  • Metabolism disorders
  • Nervous system tumors
  • Coagulation disorders
  • Other injuries or disorders which delay early development, some of which can be “outgrown”

Common tests that involve neurologists or neuroradiologists, include neuroimaging, such as cranial ultrasound, computed tomography scan (CT Scan), and magnetic resonance imaging scans (MRIs). These tests allow neurologists to actually “see” the brain. Various disorders, injuries, and conditions yield different results. These can be used to rule out cerebral palsy.
Infants who test positive for a developmental disorder may be referred to medical specialists for further evaluations.
A child may be sent to an orthopedic surgeon to ascertain delay in motor development, record persistence of primitive reflexes, examined for dislocated hips, and assessed for abnormal posture.
Medical specialists are brought in to test hearing, vision, and perception, as well as cognitive, behavioral, and physical development.
A genetic specialist may be consulted for hereditary components.
The pediatrician will document all surveillance, screening, evaluation, and referral activities in the child’s health record.
The lengthy and detailed process can help rule out or confirm cerebral palsy. A formal diagnosis is usually made once the brain is fully developed between 2 to 5 years of age.

After the child has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, the doctors will ascertain the extent, location and severity of the condition as well as any associative conditions or co-mitigating factors. Cerebral palsy cannot be cured, however it can be managed.

12-Step Diagnostic Process

The diagnosis process begins by monitoring the child’s development and watching for possible signs of impairment. If a baby is born prematurely, or at a low birth weight, he or she is monitored closely at time of birth in the hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit. If the infant attends regularly scheduled well-baby visits, the pediatritian may be first to notice signs of cerebral palsy. In some cases, it is parents who notice symptoms they relay to the child’s doctor.
The steps include:

Risk Factors for Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy risk factors are events, substances or circumstances that increase the chances of a child developing cerebral palsy. Events that create a greater risk for a child to develop cerebral palsy include accidents, traumatic brain injury, medical malpractice, and shaken-baby syndrome.
Events could also include infections, complicated birth, maternal seizures, inflammation and improperly managed chronic health conditions. Risks can be avoidable, or unavoidable.

A mother’s intake of or exposure to toxins from cigarette smoke, illegal drugs, pesticides, hair dye, and even the use of some prescription medications during pregnancy can increase the likelihood that a child conceived later will develop cerebral palsy. An expectant mother’s exposure to illnesses such as Rubella or the chicken pox virus also place the fetus at risk for developing cerebral palsy.

Parental health and habits are known contributing risk factors. For example, parents younger than 18 or older than 34 are more likely to have a child with cerebral palsy. Mothers with eating disorders that aren’t managed properly during pregnancy can contribute risk.

A risk factor does not ensure a child will develop cerebral palsy; it means chances are higher than if that risk factor was not present. Likewise, the absence of risk factors does not ensure that a child will not develop cerebral palsy.

Cerebral palsy risk factors are often confused with signs, symptoms or causes of cerebral palsy; they are different. To clarify, risk factors increase the odds of cerebral palsy occurring. They effect the causal pathway that leads to brain injury or brain malformation. Symptoms, on the other hand, are the experiences of the individual, which may indicate a condition exists, and signs are clinical proof of the condition. The cause of cerebral palsy is one of four types of brain damage:

  • Periventricular Leukomalacia (PVL) – damage to white matter tissue in the brain

  • Cerebral Dysgenesis - brain malformation or abnormal brain development

  • Intracranial Hemorrhage (IVH) – brain hemorrhage

  • Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) or Intrapartum Asphyxia – lack of oxygen to the brain or asphyxia

Although risk factors increase chances of a child developing cerebral palsy, the likelihood is still low. Approximately two to four in every 1,000 infants develop cerebral palsy in the United States. Even when risk factors are present, the probability of a child developing cerebral palsy is low.

Treatments for Cerebral Palsy

Although the brain injury that causes cerebral palsy cannot be healed, the resulting physical impairment can be managed with a wide range of treatments and therapies. Each child’s impairment is unique and therefore no universal treatment for cerebral palsy exists. Instead, individuals with cerebral palsy are independently assessed and treated for their unique needs.

While therapy and adaptive equipment are the primary treatment for cerebral palsy, a child may also require drug therapy and surgical interventions. Some families, with caution and physician guidance, turn to complementary and alternative medicine for additional assistance.
Although each medical specialist may have specific care goals related to their specialty, the overriding treatment goal for those with cerebral palsy is to:

  • Optimize mobility
  • Manage primary conditions
  • Control pain
  • Prevent and manage complications, associative conditions and co-mitigating factors
  • Maximize independence
  • Enhance social and peer interactions
  • Foster self-care
  • Maximize ability to communicate
  • Maximize learning potential
  • Enhance quality-of-life

Common conventional methods of treatment, complementary and alternative methods of treatment, and a comprehensive treatment plan process are detailed below:




Therapeutic Recreation Implications

Therapeutic recreation is an important step in helping an individual with cerebral palsy become a well-rounded individual afforded the benefits that physical, mental, and social experiences provide. Recreation therapy focuses on inclusion, not exclusion, by allowing the individual to participate and be an integral part of activities they enjoy and learn from.
However, recreation therapy also has another purpose – to enhance the ability of a child with cerebral palsy to plan, strategize and perform tasks in an effort to achieve improved physical functioning and encourage emotional well-being by facilitating inclusion into activities they benefit by and enjoy. This provides quality of life.

Recreation therapy is a treatment that helps children with cerebral palsy develop and expand physical and cognitive capabilities while participating in recreational activities. Though a child may participate in other therapies that specifically address physical function need, recreation therapy is specifically designed to allow children to partake in leisure pursuits by eliminating the roadblocks that impede the pursuit of sports, arts, crafts, games and other life-enhancing activities.

‘Where there is a will, there is a way’ montra applies to recreation therapy. When children with impairment are presented with an obstacle to perform a life-enhancing activity, recreation therapists work to identify the interest level, capabilities, adaptive approaches, and in some cases modified processes required to complete the activity successfully.

Recreation opportunities have advanced through the years. Sports like rugby, soccer and tennis have been modified for individuals in wheelchairs. Hockey can be played using an innovative, custom-designed sled and extreme sports, such as modified downhill bike racing, prove that those with impairment have more sporting options – and fewer limits – than ever before.

Recreation therapy also addresses arts and cultural pursuits. Children with compromised fine motor hand strength can use softer than average clay to make ceramic pots. Organized painting instruction using vibrant colors can help children build crucial neurological connections. Artwork can be created by using specialized applications and assistive equipment. Children are participating in dance recitals using adaptive equipment, modified movements and accepted grace.

The goals of recreation therapy include:

  • Determining a child’s capacity for recreational performance
  • Minimizing a child’s disability by teaching him or her adaptive strategies
  • Motivating a child to take part in activities with encouragement and support
  • Modifying process and procedures to enhance inclusion
  • Expanding a child’s ability to socialize and make friends
  • Enhancing a child’s self-concept and self-confidence
  • Helping a child develop interests

What are the Benefits of Recreation Therapy?

Recreation therapy has numerous benefits for children with cerebral palsy – it can improve physical functionality, improve neurological connections associated with processing activities, and provide opportunities for inclusion. Children involved with recreation therapy benefit within both group or solitary environments. The time spent within activities of interest decreases opportunities for depression, loneliness and frustration. In fact, recreation therapy provides a greater sense of self-worth and accomplishment.

Another benefit that a child will enjoy is the ability to take part in activities with his or her family, neighborhood children, school mates and others with like interests. When an individual is accepted into a group, other members of that group are exposed to the ever-increasing capabilities of those with impairment. Often siblings, friends, and co-workers would like to interact with individuals with cerebral palsy, but are discouraged by their ability to know how. Those trained in recreation that participate in activities often become the examples of human possibility, understanding and inspiration for those with and without impairment.

Description: benefits of recreation therapy include:
  • Improved physical adeptness
  • Increased strength and flexibility
  • Improved physical fitness and health
  • Improved athletic prowess
  • Improved coordination

Psychological benefits of recreation therapy include:
  • Acceptance of disability
  • Increased social skills
  • Increased ability to manage stress and depression
  • Decreased anger and anxiety
  • Diminished social isolation
  • Improved body image
  • Improved well-being and relaxation

Description: benefits of recreation therapy include:
  • Improved behavior
  • Increased analytical and decision-making skills
  • Improved confidence
  • Increased organization
  • Increased perception


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